About Australian Cotton

About Australian Cotton

Australia’s wide-open spaces and healthy natural environment make it the perfect place to grow cotton, right on the doorstep of the world’s textile manufacturing market. Australian cotton is a success story with a rich history that has led to an efficient, responsible, modern industry that produces some of the highest quality, highest yielding cotton in the world – using fewer natural resources than ever before.

Australia is the leading supplier of high quality fibre to the world market. Australia’s cotton industry prides itself on continuous improvement and consistently delivers high quality fibre that offers spinners low breakages and stoppages, good throughput efficiency and uniformity of yarn.

Australian cotton is ginned with state of the art equipment and classed through modern certified classing facilities that participate in the International Cotton Advisory Committee CSITC Round Trials to ensure the highest standards.

You can depend on Australian cotton’s reputation for

  • Contract sanctity and reliable counterparties
  • Strict adherence to International Cotton Association rules
  • Fast shipping times and efficient, reliable delivery
  • Traceability from farm to mill


Australia typically produces:

Grade Strict Middling and Middling

Length 1-5/32” – 1-1/4” (37-40)

29 mm – 32 mm

Micronaire G5

Strength 29-34 GPT

Uniformity 81-83

  • Superior quality characteristics
  • Consistent quality
  • Zero contamination
  • Reliable suppliers
  • Quick and reliable delivery time
  • Environmental marketing options

For further information about the qualities produced in any given year please go to Quality Snapshot.


ACSA and its Members participate in a number of cotton programs including

the Better Cotton Initiative and Cotton Leads.

For more information about Australian cotton to market initiatives including our industry

Best Management Practices, the Better Cotton Initiative and Cotton Leads please visit:

Australian Cotton www.australiancotton.com.au

Better Cotton Initiative www.bettercotton.org

Cotton Leads www.cottonleads.org